After a professional carpet cleaning, how should I care for my carpet?

You’ve used a professional carpet cleaning service, and you’ve seen that it’s good. Now you want to keep it clean. You must follow the professional care carpet cleaning tips to maintain your carpets properly. 

Even if you clean your carpets regularly, the dust and dirt that accumulates are inevitable. 

So, you should not neglect your carpet after cleaning on how to maintain it. If you neglect it, the accumulated dust can turn into airborne contaminants. 

You have made the right decision on how to take care of your carpet after professional cleaning. So here we will show you the techniques. 

  • Vacuum regularly

Regular vacuuming is the first professional care carpet cleaning tip. If you vacuum regularly, you will see that your carpet will stay presentable for a long time. 

However, if you neglect this, the allergens will penetrate deeply and stick to the fibre, making cleaning difficult.

Cleaning your carpet should be the priority in your home. You should vacuum at least once or twice a week. This way you will see that your carpet will be clean and healthy. But not a place for germs and dirt. 

  • Avoid putting your feet on a wet carpet. 

Wait until your carpet is completely dry after professional cleaning. Most professional carpet cleaning services indeed use powerful steam extractors. Surely some areas will take some time to dry. 

You will damage it if you walk on your carpet after cleaning. 

  • Take off your shoes when walking on the carpet

If you walk on the carpet with shoes on, you will bring in more dust and dirt. And once you walk on the carpet, your shoe will only push the dirt in deeper.

Also, high heels would not be a good partner for your freshly cleaned carpet. High heels will put more dirt and marks on your carpet. 

It will be better if you wear a clean pair of socks to preserve and maintain your carpets. That’s a professional care carpet cleaning tip

  • Keep an eye on your pets

If you have pets in your home, it will be a little difficult to keep your carpet clean at all times. 

So to remove any pet stains or pet hair, you will need to vacuum at least twice a week. 

Also, be sure to trim the sharp claws of your pets to protect against the scratches on your carpet. 

  • Clean up spills immediately 

You may find that you spill your juice or wine. In this case, the basic rule is to clean up the spills immediately. This will prevent the stain from becoming completely embedded in your carpet. 

When cleaning, don’t rub the stain, just dab it with a dry cloth. Also, use water only and clean the stain while it is still wet. Finally, you can use an absorbent material to dry your carpet as quickly as possible. 
You can follow these professional care carpet cleaning tips, and keep your carpets very well. We, Pureclean, offer a professional carpet cleaning service to deep clean your carpet. We have the best vacuum cleaner to leave your carpet clean by removing all dirt and debris. Don’t hesitate to use our services if you can not do it yourself. We are here for you.

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